My Webelos Tell a Twisted Tale: The Two Pigs & Hambo Versus The Big Bad Wolf

Ladies and Gentlemen! Today we bring you my Webelos den, passing off a Communications Activity Badge! As part of that badge the boys had to create a blog post. For our post we're going to use a story the dudes retold in a way only they could retell. Our story is called:

The Two Pigs and Rambo Hambo Versus the Big Bad Wolf

Once upon a time there were three little pigs.

Drawing: Deanna Scanlon

The first was named Stinky, the second was named Pinky, and the third was named 

   Also known as Rambo Hambo.

One day the three pigs decided they needed homes because the Big Bad Wolf was looking for food. And his favorite food was pig soup, and pork chops, and sausage, and ham, and hotdogs, and pancakes with eggs and syrup and bacon. He was REALLY HUNGRY to eat pig. 

So, the first little pig built a mansion out of straw. It was five stories high with a swimming pool, 100 windows and one flower pot. Also there was one door and one bathroom. The door was not on the bathroom, it was a front door. But only the first little pig lived there, so it was okay. 

Drawing: Weeb 1

The second little pig built a skyscraper out of wood. Sticks to be exact. It had one door, one window, and zero bathrooms. AND it was 125 stories tall. The second little pig never went up to the top floor because it was haunted by his uncle Pork Chop. But that's a different story. 

Drawing: Weeb 2

The third little pig, whose name was 

   or RamboHambo, built a garage out of bricks. His garage had 100 bathrooms But only one brick. It was a very very horrible garage. And stinky. 

Drawing: Weeb 3

Suddenly a tornado came out of nowhere and demolished the first little pig's straw mansion. Then the Big Bad Wolf came along and was very surprised when a pork chop flew out of the tornado and into his mouth. The Big Bad Wolf said, "Yum! Delicious! A little bit crunchy, though. And needs a bit of salt!" And he went on his way.

Drawing: Deanna Scanlon

The second pig was cooking himself some fried chicken, when out of nowhere a boulder came rumbling down. It made the ground shake so bad that the pig fell into his microwave oven and became bacon. The Big Bad Wolf came along and found a collapsed stick skyscraper covered in bacon. The bacon wasn't cooked enough so the wolf built a bonfire out of the sticks, roasted the bacon, and ate it all in one gulp.

Then when the wolf came to the garage, Hambo charged out and yelled "CHIIIIICCCCKKKKKENNNNN!" while looking at the wolf. The third little pig, who was a bit weird, chased the wolf clear out of the county, yelling "Chicken! Chicken! Chicken! I love CHICKEN!" the whole way. Then he caught the wolf—because he's RamboHambo, remember—and ate him up.

When he was done, the third pig burped and said, "Hmmm. Tastes like chicken."


Um. Yeah.

Activity Badge earned.

About Janiel 432 Articles
My greatest pleasure in life has been raising my four excellent children--some of whom liked me so much that they keep coming back. My second greatest pleasure has been doing whatever I can to make people laugh and create bright moments. I hope to do a bit more good in the world before I go the way of it. And if not, I'd better at least get to spend some serious time writing and singing in a castle somewhere in the UK.

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