It Ain’t ADHD, Honey. It’s Personality.

So this one time I was with a bunch of friends and one of them said they'd read that people who gesticulate wildly when they talk, or use accents, or suddenly burst out in song (or all three) are not normal. In fact, they are probably either ADHD or have some latent version of Tourette Syndrom.

Dudes. My ENTIRE family is a walking syndrom.

Not just my kids, but all of my siblings too. However, where my sibs are slightly annoying with it (Oh come on, guys. You know you are just a pack of weirdos. And I say that with perfect love.), my kidlets are adorable. And, well, so am I. No really. We so are. But not everyone appreciates it.

I mean, in my last post my friend Robin commented how her daughter gets all mortified if her mom starts singing in public–even if it is just under her breath. Poor little thing had better never come out here and spend any time with us, because she'd die a thousand deaths. A THOUSAND, I tell you. We are regularly singing little ditties, answering simple questions in completely unnecessary accents—you know the ubiquitous "I know, right?" My daughter totally says this Cockney. No idea why. But it's hilarious and now I do it too—and making bizarre faces as we talk or tell stories or go get the mail.

Faces are the best. You can get so many points across and emphasize things so beautifully with a perfectly pulled face: bugged eyes and slightly pursed lips show that you're restraining yourself. Slow eye rolls show that something is off-the-charts whackadoo; especially when accompanied by a well placed "Oh. My. GOSH." A furrowed brow, flared eyes, and twisted lips (Which should be the name of a band, by the way: "Ladeees and Gentlemeeeeeen! Its TWISTED LIIIIIPS!!!), show acute embarrassment or confusion–depending on context. And who can forget the classic narrow-eyed-slight-turn-of-the-head "whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis" face of suspicion? (Well, I guess anyone too young to have seen Different Strokes. Here, look:)

Nah. I am so not down with my friend's source of info. This is not some sort of defect. Face-and-voice-ticular creativity is a delight. This is what makes life interesting. What would the world be like if Carol Burnett or Jim Carrey, or Dick Van Dyke, or Don Knotts, or Lucille Ball, or Steve Carrell were not allowed to use their faces in the name of dignity? Or not acting all ADHD? Or embarrassing their children? They'd sprain their bodies for sure. And all of our lives would be eminently boring.

So, you who are embarrassed by we who live larger than life? I do beg your pardon. And, frankly, my pity for you. Because life must be a little dull in that world. Also, I don't think it is possible for the facially-and vocally free to tone it down. We die a little inside if we are restrained too much. And also, our heads explode. Which is a mess. You're better off putting up with a walking talking ape as your companion than an exploded mother or friend. Trust me on this.

Meantime, we'll try to understand when you have to move to a different aisle, and we'll try not to take it personally. It's the spazzes of the world that make it go 'round, as far as I'm concerned. And we're going to keep doing it. But I will try not to embarrass you. Too much. 


About Janiel 432 Articles
My greatest pleasure in life has been raising my four excellent children--some of whom liked me so much that they keep coming back. My second greatest pleasure has been doing whatever I can to make people laugh and create bright moments. I hope to do a bit more good in the world before I go the way of it. And if not, I'd better at least get to spend some serious time writing and singing in a castle somewhere in the UK.


  1. Rolling on the floor! Laughing? Of course. I wouldn’t just roll on the floor for no reason. Pulling faces– yuh-huh! I’ve been told I have the funniest faces at times…at least I think they said “faces”…maybe just face. But thankfully I don’t have offspring to embarrass. The dogs don’t care. Love this post!

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