I’ve Gone To Find My Back . . .

Hi there! 

My back has gone out. Like WAAAAAYYY out. And I can't sit down for very long. Or stand up for very long. Basically I have to type horizontally right now. And I am a horizontally challenged typist. It's taken 20 minutes just to get this little bit onto the screen. Nearly.

SO, I'll get back with you this afternoon. I should have a real live whole post done by then. And hopefully it will be somewhat entertaining and not full of self-pity or dumb horizontal jokes. Or lots and lots of mizpemmmlled wrds.

In the meantime, here's something purty to look at:

This is a cool Ghost house in a Ghost neighborhood in the trees outside of Kilkenny Castle, Ireland. It's been a bit over a year since I was there. I miss it. 

Also, there's this:

A gnarly Kilkenny tree within the same castle's grounds. So cool. A story should be written about it. You wanna?

Maybe lets give you a closeup:

There are fairies and leprechauns in the boles and holes in that tree. It needs a story. Write one that's like 300 words long, stick it in my comments, and I'll send you some chocolate. (I don't know if that will work. How long can you make a comment? Well, it's worth a shot, yeah? I mean, we're talking chocolate.)

'Kay. Cheers. I'll let you know when my back comes back. Hey! This is kind of like a post!

Have a great day, my dears!

About Janiel 432 Articles
My greatest pleasure in life has been raising my four excellent children--some of whom liked me so much that they keep coming back. My second greatest pleasure has been doing whatever I can to make people laugh and create bright moments. I hope to do a bit more good in the world before I go the way of it. And if not, I'd better at least get to spend some serious time writing and singing in a castle somewhere in the UK.


  1. Let me guess – your back went out when you bent over to put something in a drawer? Hope you feel better – or at least have good drugs. This is the universe telling you to sit still for a while. And watch movies. And eat some chocolate. And relax.

    • Close–bent over to move some boxes and grab a pair of shoes. Thanks babes. I think the Universe is telling me to sit still. Ponder my blessings. And all the rest of what you said. Especially the movies and chocolate. 🙂 Also I think it is telling me to go to a doctor.

  2. Hello, Janiel! My first time annoying you on your site. You may know me from bothering Robin over at rurification. So sorry about the back…misery. And hope you’re better. You posed a challenge up there… a story. How could I resist? I was procrastinating already, so why not? Here goes:

    The bobbit peered warily from his front door at the base of the kilkenny tree. The dappled sunlight looked safe enough. It was only direct sunlight that caused Bobbits as a race to burst into flame. He could make it, he thought, to the blackberry patch and pick one for breakfast.

    One, you say? Well, after all, he is a Bobbit. Never heard of them? Well, they’re like the little people of the Hobbit world: small of stature but faithful and loyal and hard-working as the day is long. A Bobbit can live on a blackberry a day. That’s about all he can carry.

    Bob (yes, ironically, his name was Bob, and he still curses his parents for this) made his way out of the hole at the base of the tree, and as he did he heard the screeching call of Minnie, his wife, saying “DON’T FORget th…” And mercifully her voice faded as he scampered away. Even saintly Bobbits can’t take nagging before breakfast. Minnie, who also despised her name for obvious reasons, was a bitter Bobbit, prone to complaint and full of energy directed outward solely, thought Bob, to the end of highlighting his laziness and shortcomings. (No pun intended)

    The bad thing about this quick exit was that Minnie was actually trying, for once to be nice. What she was going to say was “Don’t forget that the weather bobbit said last night it was going to be windy!” That was a favor, that was a good thing to know. Because with wind, there was no telling where the sunbeams might land.

    He made his way cheerfully in the shade to grab himself a big juicy blackberry and turned to return to the tree when a gust of wind moved the branches and Bob could see the sunlight racing toward him, with just enough time to slap that blackberry over his head as a hat and run blindly toward the tree. He made it, with only minor singeing. But the sunlight had caught him just enough. When he got home, he was one crust short of a pie. Minnie would never let him live this one down.

  3. Murphala! Thanks for popping over! I’m happy to see you here. And I LOVE your story. So cute. Great character voices too. If no one else posts a story–which seems likely :)–you’ll be the chocolate prize winner. Woot! We’ll just have to figure out how to get it to you without it melting first. Hmmmm.

    Anyway, thanks! That was a fun thing to wake up to.

  4. no worries…didn’t do it for chocolate. Consider it just a contribution. With this heat…a popsicle would be nice but that would present even more problems.

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