Give me some GOOD News, Folks! It’s Out There!

Do you get sick of the news? 

I do. So much so that I don't even really read the paper anymore. Or watch news shows. Or even pick up some of my favorite news periodicals or websites.  It's all megaphone-mouthed doom and gloom: "SOMEONE DIED AFTER COMMITTING HEINOUS CRIMES!" "WAR IN A DISTANT COUNTRY!" "WAR IN OUR COUNTRY!" "SCANDAL IN *GASP!* WAIT FOR IT . . . HOLLY WOOD!  (I know, right?)  EVERYONE IN HOLLYWOOD IS SECRETLY HAVING UNSECRET AFFAIRS! EVERYONE IN HOLLYWOOD IS SECRETLY SCIENTOLOGIST-MORMON! (Wouldn't that be something?) EVERYONE IN HOLLYWOOD IS SECRETLY RICH! (Hello, Occupy Wall Street? We got another venu for ya!)" "YOUR KID'S LATEST SPORTS HERO IS ACTUALLY A CHIMPANZEE DRESSED AS A MAN DRESSED AS A WOMAN!" "THE ECONOMY IS NOW THE SIZE OF A JELLY BELLY!"


Surely there are some bright spots out there. Isn't there a journalist who wants to jump up and fill us in on the happy stuff?  We know it exists. We got people being good, doing good, and whole groups of people who are actually pleased with their lives. We got good deeds, good samaritans, little up turns, and a most excellent history of people helping people in this country. Who is reporting it?

Wait.  Maybe that's not the issue. Maybe we've got to want it. And want it enough to demand it. To only watch the shows and movies that elevate and cheer. To demand a balance of the positive along with the stark reality.

(And speaking of reality, could we PUH_LEASE but a damper on "reality" shows? Or at least make  a few more that actually showcase the good in people instead of the motley baser human instincts, and aren't scripted?)

Right. In the spirit of this idea I've got a few great positive things for you to feast your brains on. Some websites that are trying to ferret out the good from the drek. Feel free to grab these and share them. I'm sure there are plenty more out there. It would be lovely if we flooded them with readers and the regular news outlets noticed, wouldn't it?

Positive News

Positive News – Inspiration for a Change

Only Positive News – News Updates and Inspiring Stories from Around the World

7 Positive News Sites To Cheer You Up

Now isn't that better? I hope you have a wonderful day. There's plenty of good for that. 🙂

About Janiel 432 Articles
My greatest pleasure in life has been raising my four excellent children--some of whom liked me so much that they keep coming back. My second greatest pleasure has been doing whatever I can to make people laugh and create bright moments. I hope to do a bit more good in the world before I go the way of it. And if not, I'd better at least get to spend some serious time writing and singing in a castle somewhere in the UK.


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