Brandon Davies, BYU, and Integrity

Dear World:

The BYU/Davies-thing? It's about signing a contract and honoring it. It's about integrity.Thank you, Brandon Davies for having the integrity to honor yourself and your school by coming clean and taking the consequences. Thank you BYU for being what you claim to be and not selling out.  And thank you to so many in the press for seeing this, understanding it, and talking about it.

Not because I'm a Mormon. But because it's nice to know that people still WANT honor. Still WANT integrity. Still WANT others to do what they say they will do. Mistakes are mistakes. They can be recovered from. Loss of integrity? A lot harder. In the end, the only thing we will take with us is our character, our integrity, and our choices from this life.

I'm proud of everyone involved here. The way they've all handled it–including many of those on the outside looking in–will make whatever happens on the path from here much easier. There are good and honorable people in this world. It is easy to forget that. Thanks to all of you for reminding us. Good on you.


And now for something completely different: 

Yep. That's Gev of "So You Think You Can Dance" fame playing Mercutio. Looks amazing, and I want to go. You wanna? Click here to find out how.

About Janiel 432 Articles
My greatest pleasure in life has been raising my four excellent children--some of whom liked me so much that they keep coming back. My second greatest pleasure has been doing whatever I can to make people laugh and create bright moments. I hope to do a bit more good in the world before I go the way of it. And if not, I'd better at least get to spend some serious time writing and singing in a castle somewhere in the UK.


  1. That was pretty much my take on it.

    Oh, and thanks for posting my dance video. The sharks/jets scene was the most difficult, but once I showed them how, they picked it up pretty quickly. I’m that good.

  2. No prob, Alison. You are the Lordette of the Dance. The astonishing thing was watching you do ALL the parts SIMULTANEOUSLY. Nigel Lithgoe would KILL to have you on his show.

  3. i think So You Think You Can Dance is the only reality-ish show the hubby could actually watch with me. it also helps that the girls have really hot latin costumes 😛

  4. Definitely helps. 🙂 It also helps that you can’t script that show. The dancers actually have to be able to dance. I’m with your hub. I can’t watch reality tv unless it involves actual talent. We’ll assume he’s watching SYTYCD for the talent. ;]

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