Yeah. I’m THE Janiel Miller.

So, I just did an infomercial. That’s right. I’m famous. At least to the camera-man and the key-grip and the best-boy. (See, I know all these terms now because I just did an infomercial.)

I sat. I stood. I looked peaceful. I gestured to the product. I washed peaches. (Peaches were relevant.) I changed clothes. A lot. I shoved my gum to the side of my mouth every time the director said “Action!” so I would still be minty-fresh after the take. Takes. Millions of takes. I wandered around, played the piano, looked at the house-owner-whose-home-we-were-filming-at’s dog. (A Golden Poodoodle. See? Now if I had never accepted this job I would never have heard of a Golden Poodoodle. In fact, I would probably still be under the impression that a Golden Poodoodle is something found in a baby’s diaper after said baby has broken into the pantry and consumed 18 bottles of peaches.) (I told you peaches were relevant.)

And I waited. A lot. Made small-talk. A lot. It turns out that filming involves a whole lot of waiting and making of small-talk. But I didn’t mind. Because I was on my way to famous.

Okay, who am I kidding? Where the heck was the AUDIENCE? The applause? The laughter? Where was the smell of popcorn, the hush of anticipation as the lights dimmed and the curtain rose? Where was the smell of the greasepaint and the roar of the crowd? Where was the stinkin’ PAPARAZZI?

Psh. Next time I want to be famous I’m going to do what everyone else does.

I’m going to write a book.

About Janiel 432 Articles
My greatest pleasure in life has been raising my four excellent children--some of whom liked me so much that they keep coming back. My second greatest pleasure has been doing whatever I can to make people laugh and create bright moments. I hope to do a bit more good in the world before I go the way of it. And if not, I'd better at least get to spend some serious time writing and singing in a castle somewhere in the UK.


  1. Hopefully never. šŸ˜›

    They will film the rest of it this winter, so I have no idea. I know I am always shocked by what I look like on film – not in a good way – so, I'm good with you not seeing it. Really. šŸ™‚

  2. You are so gorgeous! I want to know why the peaches are relevant…aside from the connection with the Golden PooDoodle thingie.

  3. Sweetie, ANYONE is gorgeous with an airbrush and lots of special effects. šŸ™‚

    Peaches: Part of my job was to stand at a sink washing peaches, with the little heating/cooling/humidifying/purifying unit on the floor next to me, attesting to how utterly fabulous my life is since I purchased said unit. Why, I live in a huge house with an extraordinary view! And I have time to wash peaches! In cool/warm/humidified/purified air!

    Honestly, the little unit seemed to work pretty well. So, truth in advertising.

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